Thomas Wood, freelance data scientist in London, UK. Speciality area: natural language processing (NLP)

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How to hire a freelance data scientist

What to expect from a freelance data scientist?

What should you expect when you hire a data scientist as a consultant?

Quite often I have been approached by clients who would like to hire me on a freelance basis to run an analysis, write a proposal, help them to apply for a public sector tender, or build a predictive model.

My data science consulting process

In the case of an analysis or predictive model, if you were to hire me as a data scientist, we would proceed as follows:

Hiring a freelance data science consultant - data scientist for hire. Introductory call, data exploration, agree commercials

If you decide to proceed at this point, we would then discuss commercials and the scope and length of the project, and we will agree on KPIs, milestones and deliverables. The project itself could last for anything from weeks to months depending on your needs.

For an exact breakdown of the initial meetings please see the post Starting a data science project, or contact me.

Quite often I have been approached by clients who would like to hire me on a freelance basis to run an analysis, write a proposal, help them to apply for a public sector tender, or build a predictive model.

My data science consulting process

In the case of an analysis or predictive model, we would proceed as follows:

If you decide to proceed at this point, we would then discuss commercials and the scope and length of the project, and we will agree on KPIs, milestones and deliverables. The project itself could last for anything from weeks to months depending on your needs.

For an exact breakdown of the initial meetings please see the post Starting a data science project, or contact me.